Noble laureates to attend Intl Anti-Nuclear Conference in Astana

“This is a large-scale international event which will be held on the day of the 25th anniversary of closure of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Testing Site. The conference will become one more step towards increasing the global community’s awareness of the reality of the nuclear apocalypse threat and unabated relevance of the appeal to unify efforts of all the goodwill people to reduce this threat,” said Vassilenko at a briefing in Astana today.
Over 200 delegates from more than 50 countries have confirmed their participation in the conference for now, he noted.
“Among them are 31 parliamentarians including the heads of other countries’ parliaments, 11 governmental officials at the level of vice-presidents and foreign ministers, seven leaders of international organizations and the representatives of international organizations, 85 representatives of international NGOs actively promoting the fight with mass destruction weapons, more than 20 nuclear disarmament experts etc. Besides, we expect more than 50 journalists from 25 countries of the world,” explained he.
The program of the conference includes a plenary session, four panel sessions and thematic exhibitions.
The conference will be held at the Palace of Independence.