Dana Rohrabacher welcomes Anti-Nuke Conference in Kazakhstan

WASHINGTON. KAZINFORM Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, chairman of House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats, released the following statement acknowledging August 29 gathering in Kazakhstan devoted to "building a nuclear weapon-free world":


Next week technical experts and policy leaders from around the world will gather in Astana, Kazakhstan, for an international conference dedicated to “building a nuclear weapon-free world.” Over the past 25 years the United States and the Kazakh Government have enjoyed a hugely productive and cooperative relationship working together, the better to secure nuclear material and address the lingering effects of Cold War-era nuclear activities. By working collectively, our governments have contributed to regional stability and increased international security. Appropriately, the conference will coincide with the United Nation’s International Day against Nuclear Tests. I commend the people of Kazakhstan for their steadfast commitment to nuclear disarmament and their government for showing consistent leadership in this regards. I wish the conference much success and look forward to continued progress toward enhancing nuclear security.

Source: www.kazakhembus.com