There is a need to clearly define tasks of the new stage in human development – State Sec Abdykalikova

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Kazakh Secretary of State Gulshara Abdykalykova is taking part in the international conference "Achievements and Challenges arranged to coincide with the anniversary of the OSCE Helsinki Final Act (1975) and the Summit in Astana (2010)" at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan.

"There is a need to clearly define the tasks of the new stage in human development including the OSCE's role in addressing this challenge. The concept of the "new future", announced by our leader, lies in nuclear, energy, food and water security, trust, understanding and reforms. Kazakhstan is continuing to make mediation efforts to reconcile the conflicting parties in the region of Eurasia. These guidelines and principles lie at the root of Kazakhstan's election campaign for the post of non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 2017-2018," said G.Abdykalikova. Secretary of State called to support the initiative of President Nursultan Nazarbayev voiced at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly.

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