Relations between Kazakhstan and China are based on friendship, Zhang Wei

- As it is known, the consular district which houses the Consulate General is a key point in the development of China-Kazakhstan business cooperation. Please tell us about the results of bilateral collaboration over the past year.
- At the moment in Kazakhstan operate more than 100 companies with Chinese capital. In 2015 "Asian Gas Pipeline" company transported about 31.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas, "Sino-Kazakh pipeline" successfully delivered more than 10.8 million tons of crude oil to the country. Moreover, Sinohydro Corporation has completed the fifth section of "Western Europe - Western China" highway, FAW and JAC vehicles are successfully sold in Kazakhstan. Freight trains run directly from Lianyungang to Almaty. In addition the project of transformation of the Shymkent cement plant, producing 1 million tons of cement per year, has been completed. These projects of business cooperation have contributed to the development of the local economy, increased tax revenue size and created thousands of jobs.
- What is the position of Chinese-Kazakh relations in science and technology?
- At the end of the last year, the Kazakh Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry together with Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography established in Almaty a joint laboratory of the Research Ecology and Environment Centre of Central Asia. Almaty suburb is considered as an earthquake-prone region. Kazakh Institute of seismology and seismic bureau of Xinjiang have a long history of cooperation. In 2015 representatives of both agencies made mutual visits and initiated a joint research and identification of earthquake epicenters in the Tianshan Mountains. This year we will be able to witness the success of the Chinese-Kazakh joint research center in fishery and aquaculture techniques on the basis of KazATU. It is worth noting that the center has been established by the joint efforts of the Kazakh State Agro-Technical University named after S.Seifullin and Xinjiang Research Institute of Fisheries.
- Due to the current economic situation last year's Sino-Kazakh trade turnover significantly fell. How do you evaluate this?
- Last year the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Kazakhstan has reached more deep development. At the present time government agencies and enterprises of both countries actively implement the consensus reached by leaders of both sides, expand trade-economic and investment cooperation. Currently, the list of collaboration in the field of industrialization and investments includes more than 50 projects worth $24 billion. But it is also necessary to recognize that due to the global financial crisis, the surrounding economic environment, transformation of the economic development model and other factors, China's trade with the Central Asian countries including with Kazakhstan has decreased. The joint efforts of both sides on successful docking of the economic belt of the Silk Road and Nurly Zhol program have helped to overcome the difficulties of the two states. As China's General Consul in Almaty, I want to emphasize that regional cooperation between China and Kazakhstan has great potential and broad prospects. For example, Almaty and East Kazakhstan region have complementary advantages and opportunities for cooperation with Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China in the field of tourism, trade, infrastructure, agriculture and other spheres. It is worth noting that both sides are working on the construction of the international center of border cooperation - Khorgos.
- The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has started its operation. Can you tell us more about its activities?
- This is the first multilateral financial institution built on the initiative of China. Its initial areas of investment are energy, transport, rural development, urban planning and logistics. Since there are differences in the positioning and specialization, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and other existing multilateral development banks play not competing but complementary roles. AIIB will provide opportunities to attract stable and long-term loans and other financing methods for infrastructure projects in Kazakhstan. This, in turn, will create certain conditions for the further development of Kazakhstan's economy and its participation in the Asian regional integration.
- In 2015 the Consulate General organized activities on cultural exchange. What events are planned to be carried out in 2016?
- Relations between the two countries are based on the friendly relations between their citizens. Therefore, since 2015 the Consulate General organized a variety of activities including concerts, workshops, friendly visits, caravan tours, festivals and many other cultural events. In 2016 the list of cultural activities includes "Happy Spring Festival", the Chinese film shows and photo exhibitions.
- Thank you for the interview!