peis Baiganin (1860-1945) was a poet, improviser, zhyrau, honored worker of arts of Kazakhstan. He was born in Tenmirsk municipality (Baiganin municipality) of Aktobe region.

His mother was a singer and musician and took part in musical contests. From early childhood Nurpeis performed several Kazakh songs and poems of such poets of West Kazakhstan as Abyl Tleuuly, Alash Baitok, Sherniyaz Zharlygasuly and Nurym Shyrshygulul.

At the age of 17 he already participated in musical contests as a professional poet. Some time later he became well-known in different parts of Kazakhstan.

He was a poet-agitator of revolted in 1917. In 1930-es he worked in different institutions, was an agitator and organizer of communal farms. He participated in the event dedicated to the anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev held in Almaty. Since this moment all his songs were recorded by his personal secretary Akhmet Yeskendirrov.

In 1939 Baiganin took part in the II session of writers of Kazakhstan, was the member of the Writers' Guild, and participated in the work of the Republican Convention of Poets.

The same year he was awarded with the rank Honored Worker of Arts of Kazakhstan, certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR. He was elected the deputy of the first regional council of deputies. He was also awarded with the Order of Honor.

Some of his works were also devoted to the Great Patriotic War as "Batyr Turaly Zhyr", "Batyr Ulga", "Zhenis Ushin", "Kazakhstan - Maidanga" and others. He wrote a poetic farewell devoted to Shyganak Bersiyev who died in 1944.

N. Baigarin died a month before the end of the war in 1945.

His works were recorded by Mariyam Khakimzhanova, Kuandyk Shangytbayev and Yerzhan Akhmetov.

An administrative municipality, village in Aktobe region and the street in Aktobe city received his name.

Source: Kazakhstan, National Encyclopedia, Volume 1.

Book "Historical Figures".

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