Number of passenger cars up in Kazakhstan

A total of 168.3 thousand motor vehicles were registered in November 2024, marking a 7.9% increase compared to the same period last year, Kazinform News Agency has learnt from the press service of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Number of passenger cars up in Kazakhstan
Photo credit: Agibay Ayapbergenov/Kazinform News Agency

According to the agency, the number of cars and trucks increased by 5.2% and 31% respectively, while the number of buses decreased by 14.4%.

As of December 1, 2024, the total number of registered vehicles stood 5,694.5 thousand in Kazakhstan, with passengers cars accounting for 88%, trucks – 9.9% and buses – 2.1%.

The total number of new passenger cars registered for the first time was 31,149. The highest registration numbers were recorded in the following cities and regions: Almaty (6,351 units), Astana (4,300), Shymkent (3,416), and the Almaty region (2,869).

Concurrently, the number of passenger e-cars increased 1.6 times compared to the same period last year, from 7,383 to 12,119 units. The largest number of electric cars is registered in Almaty (7,157 units), followed by Astana (1,464), and the Almaty region (621).

As reported earlier, 14,013 newborns were registered in the West Kazakhstan region last year, marking a significant increase of 2,096 compared to the 11,917 births recorded in 2023.

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