House of Friendship opened in Karaganda (PHOTO)

For the first time the new administrative building hosted XVIII session of the People's Assembly of Kazakhstan. Speaking at the ceremony Governor of the region Nurmukhambet Abdibekov stressed that the House of Friendship is an important gift to the residents of the region. He emphasized that the new building is opened in the year of the People's Assembly of Kazakhstan. It is worth noting that in Karaganda region operate 75 ethno-cultural associations and 41 ethno-linguistic classes. Within 20th year of the People's Assembly the region, as other areas of Kazakhstan, carried out various activities. In April Temirtau received "Taykazan" - a symbol of "20 good deeds" campaign launched under the auspices of the People's Assembly of Kazakhstan. The event was attended by over half a million people. 1,500 inhabitants of the region have received social and legal counseling. More than 10,000 people have received medical care.