Russia to transfer Amur tigers to Kazakhstan in H1 2025
The transfer of Amur tigers to Kazakhstan from Russia is sheduled for the first half of 2025, Kazinform News agency quotes Minister of Ecology Yerlan Nyssanbayev as saying at the Cabinet’s meeting today.
According to the ministry, the specialists of the Amur Tiger Center of the Russian Federation will arrive in Kazakhstan by the end of February – early March to assess the animal care conditions.
“The tigers will be kept in boarding facilities for around 2-2.5 months and will be released into the wild, because these tigers will be caught from the wild. And those that we already have will always live in enclosures, and only their offsprings will be released into the wild,” the minister said at a briefing in the Government.
“Today, a group of specialists from the World Wildlife Fund, specializing in tigers, is working on site around the clock. Besides, a very experienced Russian scientist has joined us. I can say that the adaptation process is going well. They [tigers - edit] look well-fed. In general, the adaptation to winter conditions is going well, because these tigers withstand lower temperatures,” he added.
Earlier, it was reported that Amur tigers arrived in Kazakhstan from the Netherlands.