Moose family caught by trap camera in Pavlodar region nature reserve

A mother moose and her calf were caught by a trap camera installed in the canopy of large a tree near the watering trough at the Yertis ormany nature reserve in Pavlodar region, Kazinform News Agency cites its press service.


A moose is the largest member of the deer family Cervidae. There are nearly 50 artificial watering troughs in the territory of the nature reserves since moose need wet ground or standing water. Thanks to water resources the moose population in the nature reserve won’t reduce. A moose can swim and stay underwater to reach the aquatic plants at the bottom of rivers and lakes. 

As reported earlier, the trail cameras captured a Pallas's cat, also known as the manul, at the Charyn State National Nature Park. The species is listed in the Red Book as ‘rare’.