Kazakhstan and China actively cooperate in production capacity

BEIJING. KAZINFORM - A joint Kazakhstan-China seminar Promoting cooperation in production capacity and in-service training opened In Beijing, Kazinform correspondent reports from China.


The event promotes One Belt, One Road initiative of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and the China Workers' Center for International Exchange with the support of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC.

Kazakhstan is represented by 20 delegates from ministries, the State Revenue Committee, the Federation of Kazakhstan Trade Unions, JSC NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, the Kazakhstan Light Industry Association, departments of education of East Kazakhstan and Mangystau regions.

"It is symbolic that today's meeting is taking place on the threshold of the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence, the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and China, as well as the 15th anniversary of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization,"Yerik Ashimov, Kazakhstan's permanent delegate to the SCO and minister-counsellor said at the opening ceremony of the seminar.

According to Yerik Ashimov, a joint two-state working group is currently finalizing synchronization of the Nurly Zhol and the Silk Road Economic Belt programs.

"This will allow Kazakhstan to use the situation, and in accordance with the aims of our industrial and innovative development, to open new enterprises in Kazakhstan and export products to China. Today 51 projects totaling more than $26 billion between the two countries are being implemented in engineering, chemical industry, metal processing, metallurgy, infrastructure, power generation, oil refining and light industry. They will undoubtedly make a significant contribution to improving bilateral trade and increasing the turnover", said Ashimov.

The seminar is taking place till December 18. And in addition to round tables and panel discussions representatives will visit the advanced training center, as well as sights of Beijing and Guangzhou cities.