ilda Tazhibayev (1909-1998) was a Kazakh poet and playwright, doctor of philological sciences, professor and people's writer of the Kazakh SSR.
He was born in Kyzylorda city and educated in the orphanage of Kyzylorda. He studied at 7-year school in Shymkent city.
He graduated from S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University (now Al-Farabi Kazakh National University).
His labor activity he started from "Enbekshi Kazakh" Newspaper (now "Egemen Kazakhstan") in 1926-1928 as a post deliverer and then as a corrector.
In 1932-1934 he worked as editor of Karsakpai newspaper, then he was an editor of "Leninshil Zhas" Newspaper (now Zhas Alash), in 1934-1939 he was a secretary of the Board of Writers of the Kazakh SSR, in 1939-1943 he was a chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of the Kazakh SSR, in 1960-1984 he was a senior worker and managing director of the Institute of Art and Literature of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences.
In 1927 he published his first poem in Zhumyszhy newspaper, then in 1933 he issued his collection of poems "Novy Ritm" and others.
He was the deputy of Supreme Council of 6th calling of the Kazakh SSR.
He awarded with several orders as the order of Lenin, October Revolution, Labor Red Banner, and several medals. In 1985 he received the honored rank of "The People's Writer of the Kazakh SSR".
The monument to A. Tazhibayev, Z. Shukurov and K. Mukhamedzhanov was established in Kyzylorda city. Kyzylorda Regional Scientific-Universal Library received his name.
Source: Kazakhstan, National Encyclopedia, Volume 5.