Zhambyl region increased its industrial output in H1 2016 (PHOTOS)

In January-June 2016, the industrial output in Zhambyl region rose by 3.2% which puts it on the fourth position in a country ranking.
Food stuffs processing sector in the region demonstrates a 41% growth, while processing industry shows a 10.7% rise.
Positive dynamics is observed also in light and metallurgical industry and furniture production. Manufacturing of shoes, confectionery and dairy products, leather goods, textile and cement was raised by 2.2 times.
The biggest volume of growth is observed in industrial sector of Merke district (+70.8%). Then come Zhambyl (+24.8%), Sarysu (+21%) and Moyinkum (20.8%) districts.
The region plans to implement eight investment projects included in the Industrialization map. Their total cost is estimated at 15.7 bln tenge. 380 people are expected to be employed with their implementation. Three investment projects worth 3.7 bln tenge have already been launched. 175 people have been employed due to them.