West Kazakhstan region to implement 42 investment projects in the next 5 years

This is what Governor of the region Nariman Turegaliyev said at a briefing in the Central Communications Office today, Kazinform News Agency reports.

West Kazakhstan region to implement 42 investment projects in the next 5 years
Photo credit: West Kazakhstan region's akimat

In his words, from January to September 2024, the volume of investments in the region’s fixed capital reached 437 billion tenge, including 342 billion tenge of private investments. More than 1,000 new jobs were created. The region’s industrial output made 2.6 billion tenge.

“Next year, we plan to implement 42 investment projects and provide more than 10,000 people with jobs,” he said.

The governor shed light on some of these projects.

One of them is construction of an enrichment complex which will produce potassium salts on the Satimola field. The project will be implemented together with Qazaq Kalium company.

The region also plans to build two 100MW gas-turbine thermal plants together with China Energy until 2028.

Another project is the manufacture of household cleaning products jointly with Türkiye’s Bilgili Group which will let create 38 new jobs.

One more project is the manufacture of aluminum products on the ground of the Ural Transformer Plant with the creation of 10 jobs. The project will be implemented by LLP Ural Electric.

Two vegetable warehouses with a capacity of 15,000 tons are set to be built in the region by LLP Baystone and LLP Oral Agro.

The governor also reminded of signing a KZT81bln worth memorandum with a South Korean investor.

Among other projects is the construction of a solid household waste processing and burning complex, a greenhouse complex, as well as a solar power station.

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