Ulytau region attracts KZT 158 bln in investments
Ulytau region governor Dastan Ryspekov announced the region’s socioeconomic development rates on Thursday at the meeting with the locals, Kazinform News Agency cites the akimat’s press service.

He said the region improved its economic indicators this year attracting 158 billion tenge in investments. In particular, projects of great significance for the region were developed in the industry, construction and tourism sectors.
He noted a cattle breeding complex will be built in Zhanaarka district, a poultry and vegetable storage warehouses will be built in Zhezkazgan. The region is expected to develop a crop growing project in Ulytau district on 200 hectares.
Besides, he focused on the modernization of housing and public utilities and social infrastructure development. A package of measures aimed at raising people’s living standards is being developed across the region. 316 km of water supply and 49 km of heat network were updated. The region builds new schools, hospitals and sports complexes. A new rehabilitation center for children with special needs aged 3-18 opened its doors in Ulytau region. It will treat up to 600 children annually.