Turkistan region GRP hits KZT 4 trillion

For the past 10 months, the socioeconomic development of Turkistan region showed steady growth with gross regional product hitting preliminarily 4 trillion tenge. The region’s short-term economic growth made 110%, governor Darkhan Satybaldy told a press conference of the central communications service, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Photo credit: Kazinform

Industrial output rose by 8.8% to surpass 960 billion tenge. The region's processing industry production amounted to 463 billion tenge in the last 10 months, 113% up, mainly due to the mining, food, light industry, machine building, and furniture production sectors.

He said seven large projects with a capacity of 2.7 GW worth 1.9 trillion tenge are being developed in the region. The construction of a 1,000 MG power plant began in Sairam district. Gas turbine stations will be built in Tyulkubass, Kentau and Baidibek.

As earlier reported, Turkistan region attracted nearly 900 billion tenge in investments since 2024.

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