Tourist flow to Kazakhstan’s Charyn Canyon surges by 7 times in 4 years

Over 117,000 tourists visited Kazakhstan’s Charyn Canyon in 2024, having surged by 7 times since 2020 (16,105), Kazinform News Agency reports.

Charyn Canyon
Photo credit: Uigur district's akimat

Of them, 17,500 are nationals of 52 foreign countries

According to the data released by the administration of Uigur district of Almaty region, the Charyn Canyon National Park earned 117 million tenge from the services provided.

Authorities say, 22 kilometers of roads connecting the Almaty-Khorgos highway with the Charyn Canyon, as well as the tourist route leading to the Temirlik Canyon, were overhauled last year.

The stairs to the gorge were also repaired, and 14 solid waste containers as well a reverse vending machine were installed.

Charyn Canyon
Photo credit: Uigur district's akimat

Previously, it was reported that Uigur district earned more than 1 billion tenge from tourism in 2024.

The number of tourists visiting Almaty region in January-October 2024 reached 1.6 million people, that is 31% more against the same period in 2023. The most popular destinations are Kolsay Lakes, Ile-Alatau National Park, and Charyn Canyon.

This unique national park attracts tourists, who arrive in Almaty from various countries, such as Qatar, U.S., Canada, Italy, Spain, Germany, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Türkiye, Brazil, Russia, and China.

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