T.Kulibayev offered V.Khristenko to join EEU Business Council

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Chairman of the Presidium of the Atameken National Entrepreneurs Chamber Timur Kulibayev met today with Viktor Khristenko, Kazinform learnt from the Chamber's website.

From 2012 through 2015 Khristenko headed the Eurasian Economic Commission.

The parties discussed the current issues of integration, the potential of the EEU member countries’ business communities amid Eurasian processes as well as the prospects of development of business initiatives.

As Timur Kulibayev noted, it was Atameken Chamber who initiated the establishment of the dialogue platform for business of the EEU states. This initiative got a comprehensive support from the member countries’ business communities as a result of which an Agreement on Business Council was signed in Astana on May 21, 2015.

The main goals of the Business Council are the development of a coordinated position and a dialogue among business communities of the member countries, establishment of direct ties, attraction to multilateral cooperation, assistance in   development of trade-economic relations, industrial and financial collaboration within the Union, participation in implementation of projects in various sectors of economy in the territories of member states etc.

In this regard, with the consideration of V.Khristenko’s experience in formation and establishment of the Eurasian integration, Timur Kulibayev offered him to partake in the work of the Business Council.

According to Atameken Chamber, high qualification and competence of V.Khristenko will allow the business circles to activate a partnership dialogue with the EEU member countries and enter the global economic arena as a competitive participant of foreign trade ties.

Atameken Chamber is confident that the agreement of all business communities of the member states and V.Khristenko on his appointment as the Chairman of the Business Council will open new opportunities for implementation of the goals set and will give a new impulse to the development of cooperation.

Atameken plans to submit an appropriate proposition to all participants of this platform for discussion and approval.

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