State Counselor Karin gives instructions to members of Commission on Fight against Corruption

Kazakh State Counselor Erlan Karin held a meeting of the Commission on the Fight against Corruption under the Kazakh President, Akorda reports.

Photo: Akorda

The meeting focused on the measures, voiced by the Head of State in his state-of-the-nation address 2024 to the people of Kazakhstan ‘Just Kazakhstan: Law and Order, Economic Growth, Public Optimism,’ set to reduce corruption.

In his speech, Karin stressed that the efficient realization of the tasks given by the President in his address regarding digitalization of the tax sphere, dissemination of the experience of subsidizing banks to provide loans to farmers, optimization of tax regimes and other initiatives will allow to significantly reduce corruption risks.

The meeting’s participants also discussed the realization of the 2022-26 Anti-corruption policy concept of Kazakhstan. During the event, reports were delivered by the heads of the Anti-corruption Agency, Ministries of Enlightenment, Science and Higher Education, Atameken national chamber of entrepreneurs.

Under the concept’s realization, a number of comprehensive measures, including introducing liability for unjust enrichment, enhancing the protection of persons, reporting corruption, strengthening of the role of public councils and others, were adopted. Another package of amendments, providing for additional measures for combating corruption, was submitted to the parliament.

Following the meeting, the Kazakh State Counselor gave a number of instructions to the members of the Commission.

Karin once again highlighted the need to consider mechanisms in the comprehensive and systemic manner to reduce the corruption rare in the country.

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