Rumors on closing Bolashak program connected with new university opening in Astana

sp;ASTANA. November 25. KAZINFORM /Dimash Syzdykov/ Rumors on closing the Bolashak program do not represent the facts and probably, are connected with the opening of the new international university in Astana.

President of the Center for International Programs JSC Bektursyn Kaldayev expressed such opinion at the press conference dedicated to the opening of the "Bolashak graduate-2009: potential realization" forum, which is held in Astana on November 25.

As he noted, the new international university will be opened in Astana next year and it will be represent by leading world universities. There will be implemented education programs in accordance with foreign standards. "I think that rumors on closing the Bolashak program are connected with this university opening", Bektursyn Kaldayev said.

"I think that the new international university opening and the Bolashak program functioning are perfect addition to each other and to the educational process in our country", Bektursyn Kaldayev emphasized.

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