Parliamentary election underway in Mongolia
The regular election of the 2024 State Great Khural (Parliament) of Mongolia has begun nationwide, MONTSAME reported.

This parliamentary election is being held in a mixed electoral system. In other words, in alignment with Mongolia's regional development concept, aimags were divided into seven zones, whereas the capital was divided into six zones, resulting in the establishment of 13 electoral constituencies for the State Great Khural of Mongolia. Seventy-eight members of the State Great Khural will be elected by majority representation, and forty-eight members will be elected by proportional representation, marking the historic event that the State Great Khural of Mongolia will have 126 members for the first time.
In this election, 1341 candidates have been registered to the General Election Commission of Mongolia, and started campaigning on June 10, 2024, when candidates were granted identity cards and concluded on June 26, 2024, or 24 hours before polling day.
A total of 2.2 million people will cast their votes for candidates from 19 political parties and 2 coalitions as well as 42 independent candidates. In line with the Law on the Election of the State Great Khural of Mongolia, voting with portable ballot boxes was taken, and Mongolians living abroad cast their votes on June 20-23, 2024.
Due to the mixed election system, voters will vote for candidates equal to the number of mandates of that particular constituency, and one politcal party or coalition. Mongolians living abroad voted only for political parties or coalitions.
For the 2024 regular election of the State Great Khural, the "New Image Cast" voting machines are used. Since the regular elections of 2012, Mongolia has been using the automated election system. The decision regarding the utilization of technical equipment in elections is made by the Parliament. Pilot testing was done on each voting machine and transported to rural destinations. However, all votes will be counted manually to verify the results of voting machines. In previous elections, there was no instance of variance between the results of voting machines and manual counting. The manual counting is open to observers, the press, and voter representatives, reported the General Election Commission of Mongolia.
The election of the State Great Khural of Mongolia is entirely open to be watched not only to Mongolians but also to the world. International observers and journalists play an important role in not only imonitoring and reporting Mongolia's election worldwide but also in identifying issues for consideration.