Over 37,000 enjoyed beauty of La Bella Principessa drawing on display in Kazakh capital
The La Bella Principessa exhibition was held at the National Museum of Kazakhstan between June 7 and August 4 featuring one of the 15 works of great artist Leonardo da Vinci. People from all over the country arrived in Astana to immerse themselves in the beauty of the artworks, Kazinform News Agency reports.

37,731 visitors at large came to the museum to see one of the most mysterious and valuable works of the famous Italian artist.
As earlier reported, one of the most enigmatic masterpieces of Leonardo da Vinci, La Bella Principessa, a drawing from the Warsaw Sforziad, for the first time was shown in Kazakhstan with the support of Italy’s Embassy in Astana, Scripta Maneant, Italian Culture Institute and Kazakh Culture and Information Ministry.
La Bella Principessa, also known as Portrait of a Young Fiancée, is the drawing of a young girl drawn with colored chalks and ink. It is his only drawing created on vellum paper. The girl is believed to be Bianca Sforza, a young aristocrat from Milan.
The portrait was showcased only five times around the world.
The Head of State was the first to see the La Bella Principessa drawing. Early July he visited the National Museum to view the artworks from around the globe and Kazakhstan.