Over 3,000 military personnel engage in flood control operations in Kazakhstan

3,169 military personnel, 242 vehicles, four helicopters of the army aviation, three planes of the military transport aviation and two drones are deployed in the flood control activities in the regions of Kazakhstan, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

Photo: defense ministry of Kazakhstan

According to Ruslan Zhangulin, official spokesperson of the Kazakh Defense Ministry, the army aviation personnel have evacuated 293 people from the settlements, transported 15 people and 11.7 tons of cargo. 

The military pilots have evacuated a total of 2,951 people, including 811 kids, as well as transported 998 personnel of the services engaged in flood control works, and over 165 tons of cargo, said Zhangulin. 

The personnel of the Armed Forces have prepared and laid over 174 thousand sandbags along the banks of rivers and lakes and settlements.

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