Next round of Astana Syria talks to be held in March 2020

According to him, the next International Meeting on Syria will be held in March 2020 in Nur-Sultan.
In his words, the participants emphasized the importance of promotion of safe and voluntary return of the refugees, internally displaced persons to their original place of living in Syria as well as ensuring their right to re-admittance and right to get support.
«In this regard they called upon the international community to provide appropriate contributions and reaffirmed their readiness to continue interaction with all relevant parties, including the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other specialized international agencies. Agreed to further discuss the realization of their initiatives to organize international conferences on the humanitarian assistance to Syria and the return of Syrian refugees,» the Deputy FM noted.
As the Joint Statement reads, the participants «took note with appreciation of the constructive engagement of the delegations of Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon as observers of the Astana format and highlighted the important role these countries play in the efforts to bring peace and stability in Syria.»
«They have expressed sincere gratitude to Kazakhstani authorities for the organization of the 14th round of the International Meeting on Syria in Nur-Sultan,» he noted.