Nearly 260,000 Kazakhstanis employed under National Entrepreneurship Development Project

Of them, 259,400 were employed, including 155,300 people who were hired for permanent positions, Kazinform learned from the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.
8,700 people underwent vocational training at the employers’ requests. 1,500 people received governmental grants to start own business. 122,900 were provided with subsidized jobs. Of them, 12,600 people were provided with social jobs; 14,600 underwent Youth Practice program; 91,700 people are involved in public works; 2,400 people are participating in First Job project; 249 people are working under Contract of Generations project, and 1,300 people were employed under Third Age program.
Earlier, 651,800 people were employed under the 2017-2021 State Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship Development Program. The participants of the program were provided with permanent and subsidized jobs, received micro-loans and state grants for business development as well as underwent training courses at vocational and technical education organizations.