Nazarbayev: time to adapt legislation to new realities

"It is necessary to develop such perspective industries in the country as 3D-printing, online trade, mobile banking, digital services, including in health care and education, and others. These industries have already changed the structure of economies of the developed countries and gave new quality to traditional industries.
In this connection I instruct the Government to develop and adopt a separate program "Digital Kazakhstan". It is necessary to adapt our legislation to the new realities.
It is also important to ensure total access to fiber-optical infrastructure. Development of the digital industry will provide an impulse to all other industries. Therefore the Government must keep an eye on development the IT sphere.
To form new industries will be possible with support of innovations and their quick introduction in production.
I instruct the Government to create an international science and technology park of IT startups based on one of the EXPO-2017 sites. It should become a platform for involvement of entrepreneurs and investors from around the world. For this purpose ensure the necessary infrastructure, provide favorable conditions, including tax benefits and eased visa and employment procedure.
We must also develop our scientific and innovative potential based on higher education institutions, Nazarbayev Universitet and Ala Tau", President of Nursultan Nazarbayev said in the Message to the people of Kazakhstan.