Nazarbayev charged to develope export strategy by 1 September
08:10, 31 January 2017
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - It is necessary to continue industrialization and keeping the focus on development of competitive export productions in priority industries, President Nursultan Nazarbayev said in his Message to the People of Kazakhstan.

"The Government is already charged to increase non-resource export twofold by 2025.
To activate the work in this direction it is required to focus the tools of development and promotion of export in one agency. Support to the exporters should be provided on "single window" principle including in the regions.
I instruct the Government to set up Export Policy Council which will include business community.
By September 1, 2017 the Government together with akims and business are required to develop unified export strategy.
We should fit in the global chain of production and sale of goods and services. This should be done by attracting transnational companies", said the President.