Meritocracy will increase role of national elites in Kazakhstan

ASTANA. June 28. KAZINFORM - In the future will increase the role of national elites, so in Kazakhstan the principle of meritocracy, the best promotion of cadres, is considered as a state priority. Independent think tank of "Institute of Post-Crisis World" Fund in 2013 has conducted a study titled "Perspective 2050: A new political and economic map of the world. " The analysis involved 303 experts from 68 countries in all five continents.

Most experts believe that access to the latest technology and perfection of the education system are still absolute leaders in the list of factors determining competitiveness of the nation. However, a stable "formula for success" plus cutting-edge technology of human capital is complemented by another variable in the opinion of the international expert community. In general, it can be defined as "good governance", as it is a long-term government planning, a strong state role in support of competition and accountability of the national elites. The need for long-term government planning for acquisition or securing a worthy place in the global process has been noted by nearly a third of experts.

More than a quarter of surveyed experts pay attention to the backbone role of national elites. In this case, the question of responsibility of national elites was important for experts from the former Soviet states. The fate of nations in times of change is highly dependent on positioning of the ruling elite. Suffice it to recall that the vortex of turbulence in the Arab world in 2011 - 2012 was largely triggered by a "crisis of the elites." The elites were perceived as a private group of rich, corrupt people, "divorced" from the people. Nor in Egypt, nor in Libya, nor in Syria there was clear and peaceful (not revolutionary) system of elite upgrading. The responsibility of the national elites increases, new global challenges require a "power of the best." The quality of elite becomes main concern of the state.

In Kazakhstan there is a position to attract world experts, the policy of improving professionalism and effectiveness of public administration. The principle of meritocracy, that is the best promotion of cadres, is considered as a state priority and involves creation of top management body "A" - the body of the managerial elite of Kazakhstan, where on a clear competitive basis people will be selected by the National Commission for Human Resources. In the widespread introduction are competitive and test procedures for appointment to senior positions, and evaluation of civil servants activity to be carried out on a regular basis with participation of experts and civil society. In addition, we introduce mentoring, internships, job rotation and career planning, as well as creation of a system of moral motivation and ethical oversight of civil servants.

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