MEPs highly appraise Kazakhstan's adherence to democratic principles and compliance with int'l obligations

MEPs expressed such an opinion at meetings with Kazakh Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Belgium and Luxembourg, Head of Kazakhstan's Mission to the European Union and NATO Yerik Utembayev.
The issues of further strengthening cooperation in the field of Interparliamentary ties were discussed within the meetings of the Kazakh diplomat with Chairman of Parliament's delegation for relations with Central Asia and Kazakhstan Paolo Bartolozzi as well as members of this delegation Elisabeth Jeggle, Bogdan Marcinkiewicz, Heidi Hautala. MEPs were acquainted with main provisions of the Kazakh President's Address to the Nation and a decision of the Head of State to cancel a referendum and hold early presidential election.
Head of Parliament's delegation for relations with Central Asia and Kazakhstan Paolo Bartolozzi noted that the European Parliament has always respected autonomy and state sovereignty in making such important political decisions. In his opinion, this step is very significant for maintaining the course marked out as well as stability in the country.
Member of Parliament's delegation for relations with Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights Heidi Hautala highly appraised such a step of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, noting that this demonstrates the country's adherence to democratic principles and compliance with international obligations to the whole world and European community taking into account Kazakhstan's successful chairmanship in one of the influential organizations on security - OSCE. MEP outlined that positively estimates democratic reforms in Kazakhstan and our country's striving for an open dialog.
MEP Elisabeth Jeggle, in turn, positively evaluated a decision on holding early presidential election, expressing confidence in necessity of such an important political step.