Measles incidence steadily decreasing in Kyrgyzstan

Thanks to the measures taken, the incidence of measles in the country is steadily decreasing, Bubuzhan Arykbaeva, the Deputy Health Minister of Kyrgyzstan said during a press conference at Kabar News Agency. 

Photo: Kabar

She stressed that as of the end of September 2024, 13 thousand 358 cases of measles have been registered in Kyrgyzstan since the beginning of the year.

“The number of cases has been steadily decreasing in recent months, with 1,263 cases reported in June, 828 in July, and 260 in August and 108 for September. The majority of cases have been reported in Bishkek, Chui, Jalal-Abad, Osh Oblasts and Osh city.

The main reason for the outbreak remains a significant number of refusals of scheduled and additional vaccinations against measles and rubella among both children and adults,” Arykbaeva said.

The deputy minister also urged parents to vaccinate their children immediately within the framework of erasing immunization because measles is dangerous with complications.

Measles is a dangerous and highly contagious viral disease for which there is no cure. Complications can be fatal. Children and adults who have not received preventive vaccinations are at risk, and only vaccination can provide protection against this disease.

Within the framework of the preventive vaccination calendar of the Kyrgyz Republic, measles and rubella vaccinations are given at 12 months of age (CRP) and at 2 years of age (CRP revaccination), also with a booster dose of vaccination (DPT) from 9 months to 7 years of age inclusively at the CSM/HSV/FAP free of charge.

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