Kyrgyzstan imposes fine for libel and insults in media and Internet
The Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic approved in the third reading a bill that introduces fines for libel and insults in the media and the Internet, Kabar reports.

The background to the bill states that there is an increase in the number of cases of insults and humiliation disseminated through various media and Internet resources.
At present, legislation does not respond effectively enough to cases of insults in the media and on the Internet, and most cases go unpunished due to the difficulty of proving guilt and the ambiguity of legal norms.
Initially, the fines were KGS 100 thousand (about USD 1,150) for individuals and KGS 200 thousand (USD 2,299) for legal entities. These amounts caused criticism, as many considered them too large and dangerous for freedom of speech.
As a result, the fines were reduced: for individuals - to KGS 20 thousand (USD 229) for legal entities - to KGS 65 thousand (USD 747).