Kazakhstan to conduct a MICS survey to monitor health and well-being of women and children

On June 10, the Steering Committee met to prepare and implement the Multi-Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) in Kazakhstan for 2023-2025, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports, citing Bureau of national statistics of the agency for strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

MICS Survey
Photo credit: Bureau of national statistics of the agency for strategic planning and reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The event was attended by the management of the Bureau, the representative offices of the UN funds in Kazakhstan UNICEF and UNFPA, the Asian Development Bank, as well as all interested central government agencies.

During the meeting, key aspects of preparation for the survey were reviewed, as well as priority areas and tasks that need to be solved for the successful conduct of MICS.

MICS is an international household survey program developed and supported by UNICEF. The MICS survey is conducted to collect key indicators that are used to assess the situation of children and women.

The MICS survey will be conducted in September-November 2024, where the survey is planned to cover 24 thousand households.

Particular attention was paid to discussing the questionnaires that will be used to collect data. The meeting participants noted the importance of adapting questions to the specifics of the region and ensuring high accuracy and reliability of the information received.

The survey will ask questions on the situation of children and the population as a whole, as well as health, nutrition, education, water quality and sanitation, household energy use, early childhood development, reproductive health, functional characteristics of adults and children, and parental involvement in the cognitive activity of children, the fundamental skills and abilities necessary in learning.

The MICS survey will provide up-to-date data that will become the basis for the development and implementation of effective programs and strategies aimed at improving the quality of life of the population of Kazakhstan.

Previously, the MICS survey in Kazakhstan was conducted in 2006, 2010 and 2015.

For example, a 2015 survey showed that in the field of vaccinations, 98.5% of children aged 12-23 months were vaccinated against tuberculosis, 89.7% against polio, and 91.3% against measles. 90.8 percent of children showed readiness for school. The percentage of young women aged 15–24 who are completely or somewhat satisfied with their lives overall was 96.8 percent.

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