Kazakhstan peruses OECD best practices to modernize state symbols system (PHOTOS)

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Secretary of State Gulshara Abdykalikova has chaired a meeting of the Republican Commission for state symbols in the Akorda presidential residence today.

"The National Commission for Modernization has drawn up a draft plan on modernization of the existing system of use and promotion of state symbols as well as symbolics of urban areas, cities, districts and cities of Astana and Almaty for 2015-2020," the Kazakh Secretary of State said while delivering her remarks at the meeting. Abdykalikova stressed that independence, national unity, peace, accord and economic growth based on industrialization and innovations are the core values of Kazakhstan's way of life. "And how we further use state symbols is of paramount importance in this respect," she noted. In her words, the commission perused the best practices of such OECD member states as Great Britain, the U.S. and Poland to draw up the plan. Meanwhile, 24.kz reports that another OECD member country - Germany - welcomes the opportunity of Kazakhstan's entry into the organization. German experts believe that Kazakhstan has great potential and are ready to share their experience with Kazakhstani colleagues.

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