Kazakhstan ice hockey team lost to Russians in final match

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - In the final match of the Univesiade-2017 the ice hockey team of Kazakhstan lost to Russians with the score 0:1, Sports.kz wrote.    

The first period of the game finished with scoreless draw. In the second twenty minutes the goal keepers of both teams could keep their gates blank. In the beginning of the third period the Russian players arranged an attack of Sergey Kudryavtsev's gate which ended with a puck in his gate hit by Danil Ilyin. It was the only goal in the match.

Therefore the tournament ended up with 'gold' in the Russians' box. Kazakhstan players got silver and Canadian team won the bronze.

Kazakhstan - Russia 0:1 (0:0, 0:0, 0:1)

0:1 - 41:32 Ilyin. Tie score

Goal keepers: Kudryavtsev - Andryukhov
Penalty: 8:14 (2:6, 4:6, 2:2).



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