Kazakh surgeons remove giant tumor from 42yo woman’s abdomen
Surgeons from Zhambyl region removed a giant tumor weighing over 5 kg and ranging from 35 to 40 cm in diameter from a woman’s abdomen, Kazinform News Agency cites the region’s healthcare department.

Six months ago, the woman noticed an increase in the size of her abdomen. She thought she just gained weight and hadn’t visited a doctor. The woman started experiencing worrisome symptoms with pain in the abdomen soon.
The MRI showed a giant cystic mass after six months since the disease’s symptoms onset.
It was the most complicated surgery as the tumor invaded the neighboring tissues. Due to major blood loss, the patient needed multiple blood transfusions during and after the surgery. Despite all the complications, the surgery was successful. The woman is in satisfactory condition now.
As written before, a 72-year-old man successfully underwent a giant lung tumor surgery in Almaty.