Kazakh scientists breed new wheat cultivar

Scientists of the National Agrarian Science and Educational Centre has bred a new cultivar of "Kudesnitsa" (Enchantress) wheat, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Kazakh scientists breed new wheat cultivar
Photo: Non-commercial JSC "National Agrarian Science and Educational Centre"

The Karabalyk Agricultural Experiment Station presented a new variety of soft spring wheat called “Kudesnitsa".

Scientists highlighted exceptional agronomic properties and high yields of the cultivar.

“The spring wheat variety "Kudesnitsa" belongs to medium-ripening group. The growing season is 79 days. During the years of competitive trials, the average wheat yield was 25 c/ha, which is a significantly higher than the standard variety’s rate, which is 22 c/ha. Additionally, the weight of 1,000 grains is 34.1 grams. The variety is distinguished by a protein content in the grain of 14.5%, crude gluten of 35.6%, and an overall baking grade of 4.9 points,” the message reads.

The variety is highly drought-resistant, able to withstand prolonged absence of precipitation and high temperatures.

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