Kazakh, Russian experts discussed trends in interstate cooperation

MOSCOW. February 15. KAZINFORM /Narymbek Ismagulov/ The Kazakh-Russian Expert Council held its second session titled: "Economic and Political Cooperation of Kazakhstan and Russia: State and Prospects".

Experts of the Kazakh and Russian research institutes, specialists of debate clubs of both states and representatives of the state bodies of Kazakhstan and Russia took part in the session held yesterday.

As Director of the Kazakh Institute for Strategic Studies under the President, co-chairman of the Expert Council Bulat Sultanov said, the experts had an opportunity to discuss topical issues of integration processes in the context of developing the Customs Union and the Single Economic Space between Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus. Political cooperation in the security sphere is not less important as well.

He also noted that another purpose of the forum was informing about the internal political processes in Kazakhstan connected with the decision of the President to cancel the referendum and hold early presidential elections.

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