Kazakh President holds meeting with leadership of NCE Atameken

According to the press service of Akorda, the roundtable joined Chairman of the Presidium of NCE "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev and CEO A.Myrzahmetov who informed the President about the results of the NCE for 2015 and plans for the coming period. "Atameken expresses the opinion of business representatives. NCE took part in the implementation of numerous measures taken by the Government to support small and medium-sized businesses," said the President. In addition, Nursultan Nazarbayev instructed to ensure interests of Russian businesses in the privatization process. Head of State noted the importance of the promotion of goods made in Kazakhstan. He pointed out the need to intensify efforts in attracting investment, agricultural cooperation, employment and training in rural areas. In turn, the leadership of Atameken emphasized that 188 regional centers operate across the country to support entrepreneurs. To date the centers have supported over 212 thousand entrepreneurs. Within the development of procurement and local content system, beginning from August 1, 2014 there have been concluded 750 long-term contracts (worth more than 334 billion tenge) with domestic manufacturers. Following the meeting the President gave a number of specific instructions.