Kazakh PM Bektenov: Major businesses need to exercise their social responsibility
Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov of Kazakhstan held a meeting of the Domestic Entrepreneurs Council with the participation of representatives of the Atameken national chamber of entrepreneurs and major businesses, primeminister.kz reports.

The meeting focused on discussions of the current issues of development of entrepreneurship and measures for further interaction within the implementation of the tasks set by the Kazakh leader in his state-of-the-nation address “Just Kazakhstan: law and order, economic growth, public optimism”.
During the event, Bektenov pointed out that the state is carrying out large-scale work to improve the investment climate, unlock the industrial potential of the country, addressing infrastructure issues and develop the real sector of the economy. In this context, major businesses play a key role in technological and innovative development of the country, creating opportunities for promotion of SMEs.
Presenting their proposals were the representatives of energy, manufacturing, oil and gas sectors, mining and metallurgical complex, agro-industrial complex, transport and financial sphere, healthcare, IT and tourism. The issues regarding support for domestic producers with a focus on new projects in the priority spheres such as deep processing of metals, petroleum and gas chemistry industries, and others were raised.

Special attention was paid to the promotion of intra-state value. The government jointly with Atameken national chamber of entrepreneurs are developing a new methodology to define the share of Kazakhstani content in goods, work and services. Bektenov stressed that the new mechanism will be more just and give a serious impetus to the development of domestic enterprises. The relevant bodies were tasked to step up the work underway.
The issues of broader use of AI systems and promotion of digital technologies were discussed. The importance of developing the sphere of tourism, housing and communal services, green financing, aimed at carrying our clean, energy-efficient and low-carbon projects, was voiced.
The meeting also discussed the issue of ensuring stable energy supplies in the country. Business representatives voiced their support for the initiative of the Head of State to promote nuclear energy as well as pointed out that a new energy source is needed for further industrial development and commissioning new facilities amid a shortage of energy facilities.

Following the meeting, Prime Minister Bektenov noted that it’s important that businesses actively engage in developing the real economic sector to achieve the tasks set by the President.
The Head of State actively pursues a comprehensive modernization of Kazakhstan. It’s important that economic growth has a direct influence on betterment of the standard of life of our citizens. Major businesses need to exercise their social responsibility. As you know, the next year was declared as the Year of Working Processions by the President. Our country has successful examples when major entrepreneurs take patronage over colleges and create a basis for training specialists. This model also allows entrepreneurs to train their own future employees. It’s necessary to step up with such a practice under the Year of Working Processions, said Bektenov.
The meeting also discussed the promotion of entrepreneurship as well as ensuring year-round employment in rural areas.