Kazakh Head of State takes part in 8th Congress of Atameken NCE

Addressing the 8th Congress of Atameken NCE, the Kazakh Head of State pointed out that the share of SMEs in the country’s GDP was 24% five years ago. Today’s figure is estimated at 32% involving 3.5 million Kazakhstanis.
The Kazakh President noted that three packages of anti-crisis measures for KZT6.3 trillion were carried out during the pandemic, allowing for recovery of economic activities and entrepreneurship. In the first eight months the country’s economy grew by 3% with the State continuing its support for businesses.
Speaking of the immediate objectives of businesses and the Government, the President called for a new regulatory policy. He noted the importance of switching from strict regulation to stimulation of businesses’ economic activity, self-regulation and so-called «smart regulation».
Tokayev called the creation of a modern entrepreneurship eco-system as the main joint priority of the Government and Atameken in the post-pandemic period. He suggested beginning of transition from direct support for businesses to stimulation of quality changes in competitiveness, effectiveness, and productivity of enterprises.
The Kazakh President pointed out the importance of continuing active implementation of digital solutions in the State-business interaction.
At the same time an active digital reboot of businesses is needed, the Kazakh President said, adding that over half of all the jobs or 52% are at the high risk of being automated.
As the main point of his speech the Head of State called the achievement of carbon neutrality Kazakhstan stives for alongside many other countries.