July 30. Today's Birthdays

ASTANA. KAZINFORM Today's Birthdays is the one-stop shop where you can learn about prominent Kazakhstani people who were born on the 30th of July.

Zhayau Mussa Baizhanuly (1835-1929) – singer, poet, and composer. Native of Bayanauyl district of Pavlodar region. He played dombra, kobyz, syrnai and violin. The notations of his kuys and songs were made by A.Zatayevich, A.Zhubanov, B.Yerzakovich, M.Lalilnov. The compositions by Zhayau Mussa were used by Kazakh composers in the operas Kyz zhibek, Er Targyn, Birzhan men Sara, Bekket, as well as in symphonies.

Alibek Dnishev (1951) – Kazakh opera and chamber singer, people’s artist of the USSR and Kazakhstan, laureate of the Glinka All-Union Competition of Vocalists, laureate of international contests in Zwickau (1977) and Rio de Janeiro (1979), laureate of the State Prize of Peace and Progress of the First President of Kazakhstan.

Azamat Berdybay (1963) – Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to the State of Kuwait.

Nurlan Nogayev (1967) – Governor of Mangistau region.

Rufat Kuttukov (1978) – Prosecutor of Mangistau region.
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