January 9. Today's Birthdays

Today's Birthdays is the one-stop shop where you can learn about prominent Kazakhstani people who were born on the 9th January.

Photo credit: Kazinform


Kairat Pshenbayev (1962) – governor of Ualikhanovskiy district, North Kazakhstan region.

Пішенбаев Қайрат Сәкенұлы
Photo: Gov.kz

Born in North Kazakhstan region, he graduated from the Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy.

He took up his current post in July 2020.

Serik Mukhamediyev (1965) – mayor of Petropavlovsk.

Cерік Махсұтұлы Мұхамедиев
Photo: Gov.kz

Born in East Kazakhstan region, he is a graduate of the Ust-Kamenogorsk Construction Road Institute.

He was appointed to his current post in June 2023.

Almaz Zhiebekov (1968) – member of the Audit Commission in Turkestan region.

Алмаз Әбубәкірұлы Жиенбеков
Photo: Gov.kz

Born in South Kazakhstan region, he graduated from the Kazakh State National University, Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics.

He took up his current post in June 2019.

Dariga Kessikbayeva (1980) – head of the justice department of Mangistau region.

Дариға Саломатқызы Кесікбаева
Photo: Gov.kz

Born in Turkmenistan, she is a graduate of Kainar University.

She was appointed to her current post in December 2019.

Kaisar Kozhamuratov (1981) – director general of Aurora Minerals.

Қайсар Қожамұратов Көшкінбайұлы
Photo: altyn73.livejournal.com

He graduated from KIMEP University.

Askar Baimyrzauly (1985) – acting director for legal affairs, member of the Board of Transtelecom.

Аскар Баймурзаулы
Photo: ttc.kz

He is a graduate of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Ryskulov Kazakh Economics University.

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