How to Be Happy: 7 simple habits scientifically proven to help you everyday

CORDOBA. KAZINFORM "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do is in Harmony." Mahatma Gandhi. Why does it sometimes seem so hard to be happy?

Yeah, I've also asked myself that many times. Maybe you, like me, have reached the point where that famous "comfort zone" just isn't enough anymore. It's actually become an "uncomfortable comfort". Or maybe, deep down, you just have that feeling that there must be some way to feel better in life. If so ...Kudos! to all you out there, who like me, dare to question things, want to figure out how to be happy, or at least want to try!

Finding yourself here, reading this post, is a good sign and means that you're willing to change. Which is Awesome, because I've prepared a few tips that've already begun to help me (being happy is a day-to-day job). I'm sure that if you start practicing them, being scientifically proven, you'll get there too, Postcron reports.


Bonnie Ware worked in pallitive care with patients who some of which only had a few months left to live. In this process, she managed to conclude that the biggest regret and the most commonly expressed among the patients was, " I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. "

Life is too short to sit around and wait naively for that perfect moment. Thinking that happiness is just gonna fall from the sky, and walk into our lives in some form of money, opportunity, or that special someone. And that by simply embracing that moment we'll gain the strength to: "start being happy!" NO. Happiness is a much longer, deeper journey, and it's way more rewarding. Being happy is a daily decision, and just like any other habit, you've got to internalize it, which requires constant commitment. So, first have the INTENTION, be willing to step outside your comfort zone, leave old habits and negative thoughts behind, and finally start making those simple changes that are gonna enable you to become a happier person day-to-day.

That is, stop looking for happiness and start living happiness.

A study by June Gruber (Yale psychologist), suggests that constantly seeking happiness can actually generate anxiety. This happens when those who seek it, assume that if they do everything that they're "supposed to do" to be happy, they WILL automatically be happy. The problem is, they don't know how to deal with frustration if the results don't appear in a timely manner. So, the truth is: happiness isn't the result of doing just one thing, but of a change of lifestyle, and we don't always get it magically by snapping our fingers or with a twitch of the nose.

You can start right now by making a few small changes such as: forgive those who hurt you, relax (you can't control everything), put peace of mind first and not always reason (much healthier), redefine your values, smile a little more, be thankful, don't pressure yourself, eat slower and enjoy every bite, etc. (etc = the rest of the 6 points of the article)

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