How many ethnic Kazakhs reside abroad

According to Toleuuly, different scientists and research centers provide different data. Some claim that some 7 million ethnic Kazakhs reside abroad, others name others figures.
«According to our data, several years ago the number of ethnic Kazakhs living abroad totaled some 5 million people. Today the number of ethnic Kazakhs living abroad has exceeded 5 million,» Toleuuly noted.
He also added that the official data states that the number of ethnic Kazakhs abroad had not reached the mark of 6 million.
«The majority of ethnic Kazakhs abroad reside in Uzbekistan, China, Russia, and Mongolia. They also live in Turkey and some European countries,» Toleuuly added.
On Thursday, the upper chamber of the Kazakh Parliament endorsed the law «On amendments to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the issues of regulation of migration processes».