Houses for flood victims being purchased in N Kazakhstan

Work on providing housing and compensation for lost livestock to flood-affected villagers in Kyzylzhar district of the North Kazakhstan region continues, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Houses for flood victims being purchased in N Kazakhstan
Photo credit: Amanat

According to the press service of the Amanat party’s branch, deputy of the Majilis Dmitry Koloda recently conducted an on-site assessment of the flood recovery efforts in Olshanka, Vishnevka, Sokolovka, and Vagulino villages. He met with residents to ascertain the status of their housing and material assistance needs. Some villagers have received housing assistance, while others have received material assistance for repairs.

Houses for flood victims being purchased in N Kazakhstan
Photo credit: Amanat

Koloda stated that the commission works on a daily basis. The average price for one square meter of purchased housing in Kyzylzhar district is between 90 and 283 thousand tenge. The price is determined by specialists based on statistical data and location of the purchased house. In determining the amount of compensation, the area of the lost house and the composition of the family are necessarily taken into account.

Houses for flood victims being purchased in N Kazakhstan
Photo credit: Amanat

As of July 2, a total of 60 homes have been purchased in the area, with 1,546 properties affected by the flood.

Houses for flood victims being purchased in N Kazakhstan
Photo credit: Amanat

The villagers have already received full compensation for dead cattle, with a total of 2.4 million tenge paid out.

Houses for flood victims being purchased in N Kazakhstan
Photo credit: Amanat
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