Harvesting campaign starts in Akmola region
Harvestng campaign has kicked off in Akmola region, which accounts for a quarter of Kazakhstan's wheat production. Agrarians expect a record harvest this year, Kazinform News Agency reports.

According to the regional akimat, a total of 41,000 hectares of wheat were gathered on the first day of the harvesting season.
As per preliminary forecast, gross yield of grain this year will amount to 5.2 million tons with an average yield of 11.2 c/ha.
Harvested area is estimated at 5.4 million hectares, 4.7 mln hectares of which were sown with crops.
65 grain receiving stations with a total capacity of more than 4 million tons and grain storage facilities for 2.8 mln tons are operating in the region.
“83,000 tons of guaranteed volume of diesel fuel have been allocated for harvesting works. 873 specialized vehicles worth 31 bln tenge were purchased. About nine thousand grain harvesters are operating on the fields now,” local akimat says.