Free business mentoring program “Sisterhood Power” launched for women from regions of Kazakhstan

A press conference was held in Astana on the occasion of the launch of a special business mentoring program “Sisterhood Power” for entrepreneurs from the regions of Kazakhstan. The goal of the project is to transfer knowledge and tools for business development and expansion, help women develop leadership skills and support regional women's business communities, Kazinform News Agency cites the organizers of the program. 

Photo: Kamila Alshinova

The training will take place online and will be free for qualified participants. The program plans to train and mentor women in business, who in turn will share their experience and act as mentors for aspiring entrepreneurs in their regions. The program is being implemented with the support of the US Embassy in Kazakhstan.

Chief of Public Diplomacy at the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan, Debra Law: “For many years, the U.S. Mission has continued to support Kazakhstan and its efforts to empower women. We hope that this program will help participants enrich their experience and develop their businesses as they are the engine of the country's future economic growth.”

The main organizer of the “Sisterhood Power” business mentoring program, social entrepreneur, member of the board of the Association of Social Innovators Lyazzat Alshinova:

“Our program has aroused great interest in almost all regions of Kazakhstan. In total, we received about 200 applications. Among them, 49 applications from participants were selected, representing various types of business from manufacturing to the service sector. The training in our program is structured as efficiently and accessible as possible: entrepreneurs will study management strategies, marketing and creating successful business models. Sisterhood Power is not just a program, it is a space of opportunity where ideas become reality. As organizers and mentors, we strive to bring women together and help them achieve their business goals.”

Mentor of the “Sisterhood Power” business mentoring program, entrepreneur, deputy chairman of the Alliance of Women’s Forces of Kazakhstan Bayan Toykebaeva:

“The program includes 2 months of mentoring support and 2 months of participation in the peer-to-peer program, where each participant becomes a mentor for 2 entrepreneurs from her region. We will develop together, supporting each other and overcoming obstacles that stand in the way of entrepreneurs."

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