Foreign Office to take active part in implementation of President's social initiatives

The Foreign Minister stressed that the initiative on building a gas pipeline from the south to north a will facilitate the development of sustainable energy, as well as improve the ecological situation in Central Kazakhstan.
"New projects will require international experience, investment, expertise, and technology. Thus, the Foreign Ministry will be actively involved in the implementation of the Head's of State instructions," he said.
In Mr. Abdrakhmanov's opinion, five initiatives of President Nazarbayev should be considered in line with Kazakhstan's long-term strategy of entering the 30 developed countries. Minister Abdrakhmanov stressed that this work is carried out in very complicated geopolitical and geo-economic conditions, as well as against the background of growing social inequality across the world.
"Therefore, the President's five initiatives are already highly praised within the global community," the Foreign Minister said.
Kairat Abdrakhmanov noted that the main areas of Kazakhstan's cooperation with the World Bank, EBRD, ADB, and OECD correspond to the new initiatives of the Head of State, adding that this interaction will continue to increase.
In addition, the Foreign Office is ready to assist Kazakhstani universities in establishing international relations, attracting foreign professors, and exchanging experience.
The top diplomat emphasized that one of the important tasks of the embassies is creating grant opportunities for Kazakhstani students in the world's leading universities, primarily in STEM sciences.
"Strengthening comprehensive measures in the areas of employment, education and social policy will give a more inclusive and sustainable character to economic growth and development. Relying on the best world experience, our President at the same time sets an example of determination to achieve social goals, which many people in the world have not yet dared to set themselves," the Minister said.
As previously reported, the five new social initiatives announced by President Nazarbayev at a joint session of the Parliament on March 5 include a new mortgage model, reducing the tax burden for low-income Kazakhstanis, increasing accessibility and quality of higher education, expanding microcredit and natural gas supply across the country.