Constitution accomplished process of legitimation of Kazakhstan’s independence - Rogov
15:19, 30 August 2016
ASTANA. KAZINFORM Chairman of the Constitutional Council Igor Rogov congratulated Kazakhstanis on the Constitution Day and reminded that the country's main law acoomplished the process of adoption of independence.

“The Constitution accomplished the process of legitimation of our independence which was declared 25 years ago. The process of adoption of independence went on as per the law, but it was not enough from a formal viewpoint. In order to enjoy full legal standing or to be legitimate, we needed to adopt an appropriate Constitution,” said Rogov.
The Constitution enshrines the main provisions required for any state: territorial integrity, sovereignty, state language, inviolability of borders, solution of all the problems in a democratic way and priority of human rights,” he added.
Recall that Kazakhstan’s constitution was adopted on August 31, 1995 at a nationwide referendum.