B. Baibek: Idea of Eurasianism might be one of crucial tendencies of 21st century

The meeting was held in the Headquarters of Nur Otan People's Democratic Party. The participants considered the prospects of integration of the Eurasian youth, exchanged opinions and ideas in the sphere of staff potential development and consolidation of efforts of young specialists for overcoming of common problems.
B. Baibek told the guests about the history, experience and purposes of the Bolashak Graduates' Association. "We approached a new stage of development. Today's primary task for the Association is to join efforts of the Eurasian youth in order to give additional impulse to integration processes and provision of sustainable development of our countries", - B. Baibek noted. He emphasized the significance of the idea of Eurasianism that can become one of the key tendencies of the 21st century.