Atyrau surpasses water levels peak

The West Kazakhstan has experienced a decline in the Zhaiyk River water line as well as in the city of Atyrau, the Inder and Makhambet districts, Kazinform News Agency reports citing the Operational Headquarters for Emergency Situations of the Atyrau region.

Atyrau surpasses water levels peak
Photo credit: the Operational Headquarters for Emergency Situations of the Atyrau region

Ruslan Shariev, the Deputy Head of the Department of Emergency Situations of Atyrau region, has stated that the flood peak in the region has been surpassed.
Mr. Shariev noted that the maximum flood peak has already been reached, and the water level in the river is beginning to decline. This is evident in Inder and Makhambet rural areas, as well as in the city of Atyrau. However, the overflow of the Zhaiyk River over a large area poses a threat to peasant farms due to the potential damage to crops and infrastructure. All calls received from owners of flood-hit farms to the aforementioned hotline numbers are promptly processed.
The evacuation of pets left in the overflow areas of the Zhaiyk River is currently being carried out with the use of high-passable equipment and swimming facilities.
“We are monitoring the overflow of the Zhaiyk River on the roads of regional and republican importance. Once the water level recedes, restoration works will be carried out. Once all works on the restoration of infrastructure facilities have been completed, we will be able to confirm that we have made a safe passage of water,” Ruslan Shariev highlighted.
In Inder district, the water level has reached 50 cm above the critical level, in the Makhambet region, it is one meter above the critical mark, and in Atyrau city 27 cm above the critical point.

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